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be a widow

  • 1 widow

    ['widəu] 1. noun
    (a woman whose husband is dead: My brother's widow has married again.) viúva
    2. verb
    (to cause to become a widow or widower: She/He was widowed in 1943.) enviuvar
    * * *
    [w'idou] n 1 viúva. 2 Cards cartas extras dadas à mesa. • vt enviuvar: a) ficar viúvo de. b) fig privar (of de). grass widow a) mulher separada ou divorciada. b) amante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > widow

  • 2 widow

    ['widəu] 1. noun
    (a woman whose husband is dead: My brother's widow has married again.) viúva
    2. verb
    (to cause to become a widow or widower: She/He was widowed in 1943.) enviuvar

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > widow

  • 3 widow-bird

    [w'idou bə:d] n Ornith viúva, lavadeira.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > widow-bird

  • 4 widow’s mite

    wid.ow’s mite
    [w'idouz mait] n oferta ou doação insignificante dada generosamente por pessoa pobre.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > widow’s mite

  • 5 widow’s walk

    wid.ow’s walk
    [w'idouz wɔ:k] n plataforma de observação em casa à beira-mar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > widow’s walk

  • 6 widow

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > widow

  • 7 grass widow

    grass wid.ow
    [gra:s w'idou] n mulher separada do marido.
    grass widow
    a) mulher separada ou divorciada. b) amante.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grass widow

  • 8 black widow

    black wi.dow
    [blæk w'idou] n Zool viúva-negra: aranha venenosa do continente americano.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > black widow

  • 9 clothe

    past tense, past participle - clothed; verb
    1) (to provide with clothes: The widow did not have enough money to clothe her children.) vestir
    2) (to put clothes on: She was clothed in silk; She clothed herself in the most expensive materials.) vestir
    - clothes-peg
    - clothing
    * * *
    [klouð] vt (ps and pp clothed, clad) 1 vestir, pôr roupa. she clothes herself / ela se veste. 2 dar roupas, prover de roupas. 3 cobrir. she was clothed with humility / ela estava toda humilde. 4 equipar, prover, fornecer.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > clothe

  • 10 commemorate

    1) ((of people) to honour the memory of (someone) by a solemn celebration: Once a year we commemorate his death in action by visiting his widow.) comemorar
    2) ((of things) to serve as a memorial to (someone or something): This inscription commemorates those who died.) comemorar
    - commemoration
    * * *
    [kəm'eməreit] vt 1 comemorar, celebrar. 2 honrar a memória de, recordar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > commemorate

  • 11 countess

    1) (the wife or widow of an earl or count.) condessa
    2) (a woman of the same rank as an earl or count in her own right.) condessa
    * * *
    [k'auntis] n condessa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > countess

  • 12 eighty

    ['eiti] 1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 80.) oitenta
    2) (the age of 80.) oitenta anos
    2. adjective
    1) (80 in number.) oitenta
    2) (aged 80.) de oitenta anos
    - eightieth
    - eighty-
    - eighty-year-old
    3. adjective
    an eighty-year-old widow.) de oitenta anos
    * * *
    ['eiti] n 1 oitenta. 2 número oitenta. the eighties os anos oitenta.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > eighty

  • 13 grief-stricken

    adjective (overcome by very great grief: the grief-stricken widow.) acabrunhado
    * * *
    [gri:f str'ikən] adj aflitíssimo, agoniado, enlutado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > grief-stricken

  • 14 heartbroken

    adjective (feeling very great sorrow: a heartbroken widow.) inconsolável
    * * *
    [h'a:tbroukən] adj de coração partido.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > heartbroken

  • 15 inconsolable

    (not able to be comforted: the inconsolable widow.) inconsolável
    * * *
    [inkəns'ouləbəl] adj inconsolável.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > inconsolable

  • 16 lamentation

    noun ((an) act of lamenting: the lamentations of the widow.) lamento
    * * *
    [læmənt'eiʃən] n lamentação, lamento, pranto, queixume.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lamentation

  • 17 peeress

    1) (the wife or widow of a peer.) baronesa
    2) (a woman who is a peer in her own right.) baronesa
    * * *
    [p'iəris] n Brit dama da corte, fidalga.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > peeress

  • 18 pension

    (a sum of money paid regularly to a widow, a person who has retired from work, a soldier who has been seriously injured in a war etc: He lives on his pension; a retirement pension.) pensão
    - pension off
    * * *
    [p'enʃən] n pensão: 1 pagamento a pensionista. 2 espécie de hotel. • vt pensionar, pagar pensão a. not for a pension nem por nada. old age pension aposentadoria. to be pensioned off ser aposentado.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > pension

  • 19 princess

    [prin'ses, ]( American[) 'prinsəs]
    1) (the wife or widow of a prince.) princesa
    2) (a woman of the same rank as a prince in her own right: Princess Anne.) princesa
    * * *
    [prins'es; pr'insəs] n 1 princesa. 2 esposa ou viúva de um príncipe. • adj relativo a vestidos de corte princesa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > princess

  • 20 stress

    [stres] 1. noun
    1) (the worry experienced by a person in particular circumstances, or the state of anxiety caused by this: the stresses of modern life; Her headaches may be caused by stress.) tensão
    2) (force exerted by (parts of) bodies on each other: Bridge-designers have to know about stress.) tensão
    3) (force or emphasis placed, in speaking, on particular syllables or words: In the word `widow' we put stress on the first syllable.) acento
    2. verb
    (to emphasize (a syllable etc, or a fact etc): Should you stress the last syllable in `violin'?; He stressed the necessity of being punctual.) acentuar
    - lay/put stress on
    * * *
    [stres] n 1 força ou influência desagradável. 2 pressão, tensão. 3 esforço. 4 Med estresse. 5 ênfase, importância. 6 Gram acento tônico. 7 veemência, violência. • vt 1 exercer pressão sobre. 2 tratar como importante, dar ênfase a, salientar, realçar, enfatizar. 3 pronunciar com acento tônico, acentuar na pronúncia. 4 estressar, submeter a tensão. to put / lay stress on enfatizar, colocar ênfase em. he lays stress upon that fact / ele salienta este fato. under the stress of circumstances sob a pressão das circunstâncias.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > stress

См. также в других словарях:

  • WIDOW — (Heb. אַלְמָנָה, almanah; pl. אַלְמָנוֹת, almanot). Biblical Period The Hebrew substantive almanah, usually translated widow, often does not simply denote a woman whose husband is dead, but rather a once married woman who has no means of… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Widow — • Canonical prescriptions concerning widows in the Old Testament refer mainly to the question of remarriage Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Widow     Widow      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Widow's Perverted Hell — Theatrical poster for Widow s Perverted Hell (1991) Directed by Hisayasu Satō[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Widow — Wid ow (w[i^]d [ o]), n. [OE. widewe, widwe, AS. weoduwe, widuwe, wuduwe; akin to OFries. widwe, OS. widowa, D. weduwe, G. wittwe, witwe, OHG. wituwa, witawa, Goth. widuw[=o], Russ. udova, OIr. fedb, W. gweddw, L. vidua, Skr. vidhav[=a]; and… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Widow bewitched — Widow Wid ow (w[i^]d [ o]), n. [OE. widewe, widwe, AS. weoduwe, widuwe, wuduwe; akin to OFries. widwe, OS. widowa, D. weduwe, G. wittwe, witwe, OHG. wituwa, witawa, Goth. widuw[=o], Russ. udova, OIr. fedb, W. gweddw, L. vidua, Skr. vidhav[=a];… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Widow monkey — Widow Wid ow (w[i^]d [ o]), n. [OE. widewe, widwe, AS. weoduwe, widuwe, wuduwe; akin to OFries. widwe, OS. widowa, D. weduwe, G. wittwe, witwe, OHG. wituwa, witawa, Goth. widuw[=o], Russ. udova, OIr. fedb, W. gweddw, L. vidua, Skr. vidhav[=a];… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Widow-in-mourning — Widow Wid ow (w[i^]d [ o]), n. [OE. widewe, widwe, AS. weoduwe, widuwe, wuduwe; akin to OFries. widwe, OS. widowa, D. weduwe, G. wittwe, witwe, OHG. wituwa, witawa, Goth. widuw[=o], Russ. udova, OIr. fedb, W. gweddw, L. vidua, Skr. vidhav[=a];… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Widow's chamber — Widow Wid ow (w[i^]d [ o]), n. [OE. widewe, widwe, AS. weoduwe, widuwe, wuduwe; akin to OFries. widwe, OS. widowa, D. weduwe, G. wittwe, witwe, OHG. wituwa, witawa, Goth. widuw[=o], Russ. udova, OIr. fedb, W. gweddw, L. vidua, Skr. vidhav[=a];… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Widow’s Weeds — Студийный альбом Tristania Дата выпуска 1998 год …   Википедия

  • Widow's Weeds — Álbum de Tristania Publicación 9 de Marzo, 1998 Grabación Noviembre/Diciembre, 1997 (Sound Suite Studio, Francia) Género(s) Metal gótico Death/Doom …   Wikipedia Español

  • widow - widower — ◊ widow You say that a woman is a widow when her husband has died and she has not married again. I had been a widow for five years. When a man has died, you can refer to his wife as his widow. His savings had been left to his widow. ...Coretta… …   Useful english dictionary

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